NFTEA Gallery

"Decoherence" by Christopher J. Sanborn (ArtCASA)

Decoherence image
Attestation: "I, Christopher J. Sanborn, originator of the work herein, hereby commit this artwork to the BitShares blockchain, to live as the token named ARTCASA.DCOHRNCE, as an original, first-edition, tokenized digital artwork."
Narrative: "Coherence, Each piece, Individual, In phase. Forgetful, Then disordered, Becomes Decoherence. Coherence and Decoherence represent the Yin and Yang of Order and Chaos in the universe and how they evolve into each other. Coherence and Decoherence may be freely interchanged via liquidity pool ARTCASA.CODECOLP."
Acknowledgments: "N/A"
Current owner: ???
Quantity issued: 2
File encoding: ???
Precision: 0
Asset issuer: ???
Creation block: 62253435
Creation time: 2021-09-25T22:41:09

No NFT tags
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The NFT titled 'Decoherence' (ARTCASA.DCOHRNCE) can be traded/transfered on the Bitshares decentralized exchange
Bitshares explorers
No flags are currently enabled.
charge market fee
white list
override authority
transfer restricted
disable force settle
global settle
disable confidential
witness fed asset
committee fed asset
Signature pubkey/address
Password multihash
License: CC BY-NC-SA-4.0
Holder license: CC BY-4.0
    "id": "1.3.6056",
    "symbol": "ARTCASA.DCOHRNCE",
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    "issuer": "1.2.1799854",
    "dynamic_asset_data_id": "2.3.6056",
    "creation_block_num": 62253435,
    "creation_time": "2021-09-25T22:41:09",
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    "flags": {
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        "disable_confidential": false,
        "witness_fed_asset": false,
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    "description": {
        "main": "Decoherence is a non-fungible artwork token by Christopher J. Sanborn (ArtCASA). To view this token and others, visit",
        "market": "ARTCASA",
        "nft_object": {
            "artist": "Christopher J. Sanborn (ArtCASA)",
            "attestation": "I, Christopher J. Sanborn, originator of the work herein, hereby commit this artwork to the BitShares blockchain, to live as the token named ARTCASA.DCOHRNCE, as an original, first-edition, tokenized digital artwork.",
            "holder_license": "CC BY-4.0",
            "license": "CC BY-NC-SA-4.0",
            "media_png_multihash": "/ipfs/QmYoXfymDh6eXhqSsZMiViA4Bm7BWeTCund6EPQSW7YiqF/ARTCASA.DCOHRNCE_media.png",
            "narrative": "Coherence,\nEach piece,\nIndividual,\nIn phase.\n\nForgetful,\nThen disordered,\nBecomes Decoherence.\n\nCoherence and Decoherence represent the Yin and Yang of Order and Chaos in the universe and how they evolve into each other. Coherence and Decoherence may be freely interchanged via liquidity pool ARTCASA.CODECOLP.",
            "sig_pubkey_or_address": "BTS794FFkPMAZ9yDWBFCGsuG4y8U448s95674H7dnKdQLh6LVvyug",
            "tags": "morphable, transmutable, flippable, polymorphic",
            "title": "Decoherence",
            "type": "NFT/ART/VISUAL"
        "nft_signature": "1f02335e8607b468812d38b87073e74d15de93a843217e4fb765ad95c16365209048c8a14f56fa4682c328f456717d709b9df27b08c4e827d61efcb563bb0afaab",
        "short_name": "Decoherence"

NFTEA Gallery

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All displayed NFTs are tradeable on the Bitshares decentralized exchange, get collecting!
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