NFTEA Gallery

A summary of recent developments and updates

July dev update

27 July 2023

A development summary for the last couple months

May dev update

31 May 2023

A development summary for the last couple months

March dev update

7 March 2023

A development summary for the last few months

November dev update

30 November 2022

A development summary for the last few months

The NFTEA Gallery has successfully launched a Google Assistant Action

How to encapsulate NFTs on the Bitshares blockchain for trade.

How to introduce gamification to NFTs on the Bitshares DEX

The NFT data storage options available for NFTs issued on the Bitshares DEX.

Find out what kind of NFTs are possible in the NFTEA Gallery!

Learn how the NFTEA Gallery manually issues NFTs on the Bitshares platform.

NFTs from multiple art galleries have recently been sold!

Beet has recently been implemented in the NFTEA Gallery to simplify the NFT buying process.

November updates

12 November 2021

Recent and future planned NFTEA Gallery development summary

Hello World!

21 October 2021

Welcome! Moving forwards there will be regular blog posts regarding the state of the NFTEA Gallery, the NFTs issued on the Bitshares DEX and guides!

NFTEA Gallery

An open source NFT gallery powered by the Bitshares blockchain!
All displayed NFTs are tradeable on the Bitshares decentralized exchange, get collecting!
Created using Next.js and running on Vercel