"damage" by nft.artist
Attestation: "This is original artwork for which no prior tokenization exists or has been authorized by me."
Narrative: "Input: damage batter break burn contaminate cripple harm hurt impair infect injure maim mangle pollute ravage smash wreck. Style: abstract"
Acknowledgments: "This NFT's images were generated from a combination of positive & negative text prompts with VQGAN and CLIP (z+quantize method)."
Asset name: NFTEA.DAMAGE
Current owner: ???
Quantity issued: 1
File encoding: ipfs
Precision: 0
Asset issuer: ???
Creation block: 63136799
Creation time: 2021-10-26T16:53:54
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
No NFT tags
The NFT titled 'damage' (NFTEA.DAMAGE) can be traded/transfered on the Bitshares decentralized exchange
Bitshares explorers
No flags are currently enabled.
charge market fee
white list
override authority
transfer restricted
disable force settle
global settle
disable confidential
witness fed asset
committee fed asset
Signature pubkey/address
Password multihash
License: CC BY-NC-SA-4.0
Holder license: CC BY-4.0
NFTEA Gallery
An open source NFT gallery powered by the Bitshares blockchain!
All displayed NFTs are tradeable on the Bitshares decentralized exchange, get collecting!